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Wild Crime S02E03 1080p WEB h264-KOGi EZTV

Episode Breakdown
Wild Crime
Wild Crime TV Show S02E03

Season: 2
Episode: 3
Air Date: 25 October, 2022
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Added 1 year ago by eztv (verified).
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Stats generated @ 14:37 on 15th Oct 2024
Torrent Info
Torrent File: Wild.Crime.S02E03.1080p.WEB.h264-KOGi[eztv.re].mkv
Torrent Hash: 02B008009C6AF30955FCF786E9A9A07336FFC5F5
Filesize: 1.32 GB
Released: 25th Oct 2022

File Format: MKV (Matroska)
Resolution: 1920x1080 px
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Alternate Releases S L
Wild Crime S02E03 720p WEB h264-KOGi 0 0
Wild Crime S02E03 XviD-AFG 0 0
Wild Crime S02E03 480p x264-mSD 0 1
Wild Crime S02E03 1080p HEVC x265-MeGusta 0 0

Wild Crime S02E03 - The Skull


Four years after the Summit Meadow case went cold, hikers found a human skull. There's no proof it's related to the hand discovered earlier, but it allows for a facial reconstruction that shows what Jane Doe may have looked like. But that generates no leads. Decades pass; Kim Tucker's son Cullen is now an investigator and is assigned the case. Using new DNA science after almost 40 years, Jane Doe is finally identified! Now Cullen wonders how did she end up dead in Yosemite — and given it was likely murder, who did it?

Wild Crime S02E03 1080p WEB h264-KOGi EZTV
Wild Crime S2E3 Screenshot
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title: The Skull
source: hulu.com
size: 1.3 GiB
runtime: 00:46:10.101
resolution: 1920 x 1080
bitrate: 4,100 kb/s
audio: E-AC-3 @ 256 kb/s (5.1) / English
subs: English, Spanish
url: https://www.tvmaze.com/shows/57937/wild-crime
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